Arusha, Tanzania

5 Days (North Serengeti Migration) – Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater


In this tour we will cover the 3 most popular destinations in Tanzania – Central Serengeti (2 nights), North Serengeti (1 night) and Ngorongoro Crater (1 night). Tour starts and ends at Arusha. With our experienced driver guides, it will be a trip of a lifetime!

According to the last few years pattern, the possibility of sighting the migration is in the North Serengeti region from July to October. Hence, this tour is recommended for the tour date between July and October months only.

We brings you to the world’s best safari destination. When you book with us you get:

  • Amazing lifetime experience
  • Unlimited Safari Mileage
  • Experienced Safari Guide
  • Quality Service
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